This weekend I continued working on the TO-DO area, specifically on bringing the context-aware functionality of Cards to “Target Date” & “Last Modified” views.
As most of the code complexities were sorted last weekend, this one I did quite a bit of progress. Here’s the latest:
“Sort by Target Date” view:
“Sort by Last Modified” view:
In addition to the above improvements, there’s many other tweaks too. Here’s a few examples:
– Double clicking on the note title takes you directly to the note the TO-DO belongs to.
– TO-DOs will only show Smart Dates (’Today’, ’Tomorrow’, ‘Overdue’) if they have not been completed.
– On the ‘Sort by Target Date’ view, dates will not appear on the Overdue, Today or Tomorrow sections.
And finally, worked a bit on the CARD search functionality. Now, when searching, an option appears for you to easily narrow search to the category/tag you have selected.
Thoughts, suggestions? Reach me @MarcMasVi