If you’re looking for an easy way to download and run models locally on your Mac, check out ML Studio. It’s great for testing the latest models and experimenting with different quantization versions. I used to use terminal directly, but ML Studio makes it much nicer for everyday use. If ML Studio is not your …
Category Archives: misc
Lumon – Macrodata Refinement
If you’re into Severance, you may want to check this out. You’re welcome On that topic – I so much hope they stick the landing, such a fun show so far. Marc
Settling down in the Bay & Starlight 1.0.4 is now live!
Back in August I posted about moving back to the Bay Area, and how that would temporarily reduce my bandwidth. Being honest, it was even more disruptive than anticipated. There was the move itself, but also searching for (and buying) a house, fixing its rough edges, furnishing it… And all that while working full time …
Continue reading “Settling down in the Bay & Starlight 1.0.4 is now live!”
Moving back to the Bay Area
Some personal news to share. My wife & I are relocating from San Diego back to the Bay Area. Although its a positive move, it was not planned, so I will post less frequently in the next couple of months as we’re getting all the move complexities solved. And if you’re in the bay and …
Starlight – Soft launch, week 1 update
Soft-launch of Starlight going great – thank you for all the positive feedback and improvement suggestions! The app will remain free until I add final touches based on feedback. If you ran into any issues please let me know via the “Contact us” option in the Help menu bar, and if you love the app …
Starlight has gone gold!
After over a year in the making – I’m excited to announce another signficant milestone: Starlight has gone gold! Its effectively ready to ship, what’s more, it’s also approved for sale by Apple — feels… pretty good With the app gone gold, I’m now switching to getting ready to ship! Among other things, that includes …
Microsoft aggressively capitalizing on their OpenAI investment
There’s a lot of chat right now about ChatGPT. And, although the technology may be a bit overhyped, some of the use-cases it enables have the potential to change the way we work: Here’s one, from the Verge: “Intelligent recap is the big new addition to Microsoft Teams Premium […]. Intelligent recap uses OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 …
Continue reading “Microsoft aggressively capitalizing on their OpenAI investment”
The Last of Us – HBO
I was not expecting much from “The Last of Us” from HBO, after so many poor adaptations of video-games, what could one look forward to? Well, I’m glad to say I was wrong. The first two episodes have been so fun to watch. If you enjoyed the game, do check them out. Faithful to the …
Here’s to 2023!
As Eisenhower said “Plans are worthless, but planning is indispensable”, so… In no particular order, my plan for 2023 is to: 1. Ship MarsManaged for macOS sometime before June, add iOS versions before EOY 2. Complete two more AI courses & tackle several problems that interest me where ML can make a significant difference 3. …
So… I have a Mastodon account now
I don’t know if it will stick or not, but was seeing enough of my friends migrating there that it was a no brainer for me to create an account. So far, its been quite fun I must say. And I kind of find the federated approach interesting. Anyway, you can find me @ mastodon.social/@MarcMasVi …