Surviving in the App Store

Great article on the challenges of a small company in the App Store. Must read:   Marc

Using NSValueTransformers (Value Transformer) Swift 2.0

So here’s a tricky one, on my upcoming app I sometimes use View-Based TableViews. Mostly, it works like magic, but sometimes you need to use a Value Transformer in the binding to allow the table to understand how to display something. In this example, I needed to convert a NSNumber to a String (and back!). Here’s …

3 Steps to fetch in Core Data (Swift)

1. Get the managed context:     let managedObjectContext = (NSApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext! //Change AppDelegate for the name of the class of your Application Delegate   2. Set a variable to store the data:     var contentsOfTransactionFetchRequest = [] 3. Fetch the data you need         let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: “Whatever”)       …

Working with NSUserDefaults in Swift 2

I was quite pleased to see than in Swift is even easier than in Objective-C. Here is how you do it: Create a variable that can access them:        var userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()   Add values to dictionary:       userDefaults.setObject(“StringText”, forKey: “KeyInDictionary”)   Read values from dictionary:            let text = userDefaults.objectForKey(“KeyInDictionary”) as! …

Switching NSViewControllers from NSWindowController

This has taken quite some time to crack as there was not that much available information online.  I wanted a very simple way to change the NSViewController of a window on the fly by using code.  The solution I ended up with is quite easy, on the NSWindowController I load the default NSViewController by typing …

Get NSDate Day, Month or Year in Swift 2.0

Looking for Swift 3.0 version? -> Click here  Well, having recharged batteries after vacation I’m back into coding! And yet again I was faced with another simple problem: how to get the day, month or year from a date.  This is the simpler solution I’ve found in Swift 2:   //Here I’m creating the calendar …

Dates & Components in Swift 2.0

Another topic that has been changed in Swift 2.0 is how to work with dates. I’m digging into this topic for my upcoming app and I’ve found that most documentation on the web refers to Swift 1.2. So here are some snippets to create dates using components: //CreateDateFromComponents (1st January 2016)        var …