Code Refactoring – Wealthfront Blog

When not to refactor code, when to do it, and how much effort to put into it are all questions programmers deal with on ongoing basis. This article from wealthfront engineering team provides an interesting take. The blog itself is worth following if you’re into this type of content.  Marc

Cliffski on Social Media

I have followed Cliffski, founder and solo developer at Positech Games, for many years. He’s quite opinionated and his last post is no exception: “ […] In 2020, the internet is an absolute cesspit, bringing out the absolute worst in human behavior. Its almost impossible to enjoy surfing the web without being sucked into social media. …

Making Sense Podcast #201 Yuval Noah Harari

One of the podcasts I typically follow is “Making Sense” by Sam Harris. I found his latest episode, where he had a discussion with Yuval Noah Harari especially insightful.  “[…] They discuss the failures of global leadership, the widespread distrust of institutions, the benefits of nationalism and its current unraveling in the U.S., politics as …

Improve your ⌘ V efficiency

Want to improve your quality of life in 5 seconds? 1. Go to System Preferences 2. Keyboard 3. Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts 4. Click on add -> All Applications –> add “Paste and Match Style” for keyboard shortcut ⌘V Thank you Ally Marc

It’s out and just ordered one!

So today the Apple went on sale on a few more countries in Europe. Being in one of them I ordered one and will receive it in about 3 weeks.  Will report my impressions once I’ve had some time with it, certenly excited about it and about developing apps for it.    Marc