Some time ago I shared a simple way to create custom UIButtons in code. As I’m starting to polish NewsWave for Mac, I wanted the same ability to easily create custom buttons. So, I ported the function to macOS, feel free to leverage: func createNewNSButton(title: String, textSizeDelta: CGFloat?, textColor: NSColor?, backgroundColor: NSColor?, …
Tag Archives: swift4
Create UIButton in code (swift)
Adding and customizing UIButtons in storyboard is extremely easy (and I would recommend doing it that way whenever possible), but what if you need to do it yourself in code? The process takes only couple of lines of code, but it can escalate quickly if you add multiple buttons. To keep code clean I’ve created …
Opening links in Safari / Embedded Safari – iOS
In iOS you can either do it with a push: let safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: URL(string: “”)!, configuration: .init()) present(safariVC, animated: true, completion: nil) or directly in the Safari app:“”)!, options: [:]) { (_) in } Very practical, Marc
Find the right value in an Array, or in an Array of Dictionaries
From time to time I discover a new way of coding something that significantly improves readability & minimizes how much I need to code. Here’s one of such latest discoveries. Typically to find a value in an array (or in an array of dictionaries) with a specific condition I would do a for loop with …
Continue reading “Find the right value in an Array, or in an Array of Dictionaries”
Inserting cells at the top of a UITableView with no scrolling
If you would like your table to be refreshed “ala Twitter”, with new data being added on top, here’s a quick an easy way to do it for iOS: func updateTableViewAfterAdditionInNewArray(){ //Get new feeds and check if counts are different let countOfAddedItems = oldArray.count – newArray.count …
Continue reading “Inserting cells at the top of a UITableView with no scrolling”
Random numbers in Swift
Swift 4.2 has introduced a native random number API in the standard library, making it cross platform. Int.random(in: 1…1000) // → 691 Double.random(in: 0..<1) // → 0.8741555749903935 UInt32.random(in: 0xD800…0xDFFF) // → 55666 Read more in the great article from Ole Begemann, worth a read. Marc
Resize NSImage Proportionally (Swift)
I wanted a simple function to resize an image to a desired height, while keeping proportions. Here’s what I came up with (based on Marco implementation): extension NSImage { func resizedImageTo(sourceImage: NSImage, newSize: NSSize) -> NSImage?{ if sourceImage.isValid == false { …
Open links in the Background
Here’s a quick tip on how to open a URL in the background or foreground depending on a user-set preference. if(openInBackgroundPreferenceSet == true){[linkToOpen], withAppBundleIdentifier: nil, options: NSWorkspace.LaunchOptions.withoutActivation, additionalEventParamDescriptor: nil, launchIdentifiers: nil) }else{ } Questions / comments? I’m at @MarcMasVi …
Denarius 1.6 & the slippery bug
This last couple of months I’ve been hard at work on two new projects, the first of which will be released fairly soon! But, today I wanted to write about something else: CoreData Concurrency. Since the release of Denarius about a year ago I’ve been regularly improving the personal finance app with new features and, …