My podcast selection

I’m writing this lines from Hue, in Vietnam. I’m on a three week vacation trip, we started a week ago in the north of the country and we’re slowly heading south. We don’t have anything planned, this gives us the flexibility to do whatever we feel like doing (as long as we are able to take our fight back of course). 

We do a lot of traveling by night bus, this give us more day time to visit, as a plus this has given me the opportunity to catch up with many of my favorite podcasts. In case you’re interested, in no particular order, they are:

1. Accidental Tech Podcast

2. Core Intuition

3. Dan Carlin Hardcore History


4. Debug

5. Common Sense with Dan Carlin


6. Internet History Podcast 


7. The iPhreaks Show

Suggestions on what to listen, disagree? Let me know on Twitter @MarcMasVi