Improving PowerVoice based on early user feedback

As PowerVoice launch approaches, I’ve been focused on addressing early user-feedback, fixing bugs and polishing the UI. One of the amazing things about developing on the web is how fast you can learn, iterate and deploy – such a joy. Here’s some of the changes done in the last two weeks: 1. Improving landing page …

Create Stations & Favorite Songs from the Menu Bar with Apple Music Controller

It’s time! After polishing rough edges and adding the ability to auto-update, Apple Music Controller is available for download for free.  Apple Music Controller is a lightweight & distraction-free way to interact with Apple Music from the Menu Bar. Features: ⚡ Lightning-Fast Controls Create stations instantly from the menu bar Add songs to your favorites …

Apple Music Controller – Create Stations & Favorite Songs from the Menu Bar

It’s hard for me to even imagine coding without music. In fact, for years I had my carefully curated iTunes library with a playlist for every occasion.  Yep, back when music was bought as CDs and ripped.  I still have my library, of course,  but I’ve been using Apple Music as my daily driver for …

Level Up Your Speaking Skills When No One’s Watching – PowerVoice™

I’ve always been fascinated by great communicators: Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Winston Churchill… Great leaders tend to be masters at it – instilling a sense of purpose, distilling complex topics into simple terms, rallying individuals to achieve the impossible. And, although some individuals have innate traits, the reality is that great communicators aren’t born; they’re …

Excelling 2.8 (12 year anniversary update)

Time to update the 12-year veteran, Excelling! Excelling is the first app I ever worked on, it launched way back in 2012 🤯  That’s before the flat design aesthetic and large screens took over, here’s how the 1.0 version looked: The icons had to have some depth, and I did not have money at the …