Evaluate string width and return CGFloat (Swift, OSX)

This morning I’ve been working in a Swift function to detect the width of a given text and return a CGFloat.  I’ve not found that many examples on the web for OSX, so here you have what I’ve done in all of its glory: func evaluateStringWidth (textToEvaluate: String) -> CGFloat{     letfont = NSFont.userFontOfSize(NSFont.systemFontSize()) …

Android & Security

Great post from a long time Android user & security journalist. Worth a read: Goodbye, Android: http://t.co/p4QwqSx75P http://t.co/uiQ2lWiTeD Frankly I hope Google would change his ways on this.   Marc

Compatibility updates

Today both Excelling and Notio have been received a compatibility update to ensure they work great under iOS9. Provided that Apple approves them both should be available for users in about a week.  And now back to focusing on the new app.    Marc

It’s out and just ordered one!

So today the Apple went on sale on a few more countries in Europe. Being in one of them I ordered one and will receive it in about 3 weeks.  Will report my impressions once I’ve had some time with it, certenly excited about it and about developing apps for it.    Marc