WWDC 2015

Interesting keynote, I’m really looking forward to the incremental iOS9 and OSX11 upgrades. Not sure about the music service thought… It’s like if the keynote was split in two. First part was great, second… Meh… Not sure if it was the uninspiring presentation, the fact that every iTunes release has been slightly worst for me, …

Tweetbot 2 for Mac released

New version of Tweetbot for Mac finally released, oh boy, this is so good. The UI is gorgeous, fits right in Yosemite and the fit and finish is amazing. Strongly suggest you to check it out.   

Marco an the new MacBook

In this post Marco explains his first impressions on the new MacBook and why he thinks is not a great machine. Worth a read.  Apple’s priorities have changed. Rather than make really great products that are mostly thin, they now make really thin products that are mostly great.