Struggling with a basic macOS SideBar, RowList & DetailView app in SwiftUI

Its amazing how fast you can prototype in SwiftUI, it seems like magic. At the same time, when you start to get into the details, it can be infuriating… 

Let me explain…

After completing the prototype last week and deciding on the key features for the app  I started implementing them. One of the very basic ones was having a button on the side bar to create new content. Well, basic in AppKit/UIKit, with SwiftUI on macOS not so much!

Here’s what I was trying to do:

Screen Shot 2021 06 27 at 8 04 11 PM

1. From the SideView (the column at the very left in the image above) you would be able to click on a Button that would create a new element.

2. This new element would appear as a new row (see above Added Content in the middle view) and it would become automatically selected.

3. The detail view, the one that shows the detail of the element, would automatically show all contents (see the rightmost view above).  

In AppKit this would be trivial, not so much in SwiftUI. Also, because most of the recommendations out there are for iOS and not for macOS, it was quite a fun ride. 

Here’s how I ended up doing it:

First, the SideView:

@SceneStorage(“sidebarSelection”) var selection: String?

@SceneStorage(“selectedElementId”) var selectedElementId: Int?


var body: some View {



        List(selection: $selection) {


            Button(action: {

                let addedElement = coreDataAddsElementHere()

                selectedElementId = Int(

            }) {

                Text(“+ New Element”)




            Label(“Category 1”, systemImage: “someIcon”).tag(tagThatWillBeUsedForSelection)

            Label(“Category 2”, systemImage: “someIcon”).tag(tagThatWillBeUsedForSelection2)

            Label(“Category 3”, systemImage: “someIcon”).tag(tagThatWillBeUsedForSelection3)


            ElementList(typeOfList: selection ?? defaultOptionGoesHere)



You’ll see I’m not using NavigationLink here, if you’re building a macOS app you should only use that for the RowList. To share information between the SideView and the RowList you should use SceneStorage.

Selection is used, as its name implies, to enable the selection of rows in combination with the tag property on each label: when both selection and tag match, the relevant row in the sideBar is selected.  

Second, the RowList:

@SceneStorage(“selectedElementId”) var selectedElementId: Int?


var body: some View {



            ForEach(elements){element in


                    destination: DetailView(contentsOfView: element),

                    tag: Int(,

                    selection: $selectedElementId

                ) {

                    ElementListRow(title: firstLine, subtitle: otherContent, isPinned: element.pinned)




                //Default View on Mac

                DetailView(contentsOfView: nil)







You’ll see we capture the shared selectedElementId, which allows us to select the right row automatically (note the tag to the element id and the selection binding).

Here we can use the NavigationLink as we’re dealing with a row to detail view model. 

And finally, the detail view (optional):

@SceneStorage(“selectedElementId”) var selectedElementId: Int?



var body: some View {


    if selectedElementId == nil{

        Text(“Please select an element or create a new one”)





I use this specifically to make sure when a Core Data object is delated, if it was being shown in the detail view, I can invalidate the view. As before, I leverage the selectedElementId: if the selected element is deleted from any view, that SceneStorage id will be set to nil. The detail view detects it and immediately stops showing the cached data. 


And that’s it! It’s quite streightforward once you know how to do it, unfortunately most information out there is for iOS so I found myself spending way more time than anticipated. 

Hope it helps others, if you have suggestions on how to do this better please do let me know!

Do reach me @MarcMasVi on Twitter or






What differentiates good from great Project & Product Managers?

Although this blog is entirely focused on my developer-side, this is a part-time (nights and weekends) enterprise. My ‘main’ job is not in development, it has quite a bit to do with product management.

**I promise you this is going somewhere**

Over many years, in many roles, the one thing that I’ve seen consistently differentiate good Product & Project Managers from great ones is their ability to keep tabs on everything.


Great Product & Project Managers:

– Know the strategic intent of every Product Feature / Project.

– Remember the contents and agreements of every discussion.

– Timely act on any tasks they have, or follow up with others if a task is due.

– Know every single person involved and what makes them click.

– Are able to drive on many different initiatives in parallel without dropping a beat.


It seems magical, it seems like they have superpowers… And upon closer inspection, they do: they have a model they relentlessly follow.


To enable the model:

– Some use a notes app (Evernote, OneNote, Apple Notes…). 

– Others use a notebook / notes (NotePad++, vim/emacs, a real notebook…). 

– A majority uses a combination of ToDo app and a notes app (Evernote + Microsoft To Do, OneNote + Things, Apple Notes + OmniFocus…).


No one I’ve talked to seems to be satisfied with the apps they use. It’s not the app’s fault, they are general purpose apps after all.

So… What if we turn this around and create an app build specifically to enable great Project & Product managers?

That’s exactly what the next app I’ll be working on. And will be doing so in the open.

Screen Shot 2021 06 18 at 11 19 52 AM

More to come soon,


ML Exploration: Titanic Dataset

In summer 2019 I blogged about how I was taking a couple months to work on Machine Learning.

Since then I’ve mostly focused on software for the Mac and server-side development. My ML hands-on knowledge was getting a bit, rusty… Plus, things have evolved a bit: new technologies, new approaches, new concepts… Perfect timing as the new edition of the Hands-On ML with Sikit, Keras and TensorFlow book was recently released. 

I’ll be re-reading it and redoing all exercises. Below you’ll find the first major exercise I completed yesterday, the Titanic dataset. Today I just started a SPAM filtering model, excellent book. 



import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

titanic_train_data = pd.read_csv(‘titanicData/train.csv’)

X_train = titanic_train_data.drop(labels=‘Survived’, axis=1).copy()
y_train = titanic_train_data[[‘Survived’]].copy()



#We have a total of 891 entries. Not known for all are:
# -Cabin information is not known for all with 204 entries.
# -Age is not known for all with 714 entries.
# -Embarked is not known for all with 889 entries.

#Key insights:
# – People are quite young with median at 28 and mean at 29
# – Most people where in 2nd or 3rd class.
# – Most people did not travel with siblings or spouses SibSp, Same re. parent or children Parch.
# – Fare changes significantly and could be an indication of quality of the room.
#3 class types.

#From 1 to 8.

#S, C, Q or nan.

#More male than female, 577 male vs 314 female.

#A lot more third than first, funnily enough more 1st than second.
#Plotting split between classes
plt.pie(x=X_train[‘Pclass’].value_counts(), labels=X_train[‘Pclass’].unique(),autopct=‘%1.0f%%’ )

#Plotting where people came in the titanic[‘S’,‘C’,‘Q’] ,height=X_train[‘Embarked’].value_counts())


#Feature engineering, combine Siblings and Spouses together with Children and Parents
#X_train[‘Siblings’] = X_train[‘SibSp’] + X_train[‘Parch’]

#Remove data we won’t be using
#X_train = X_train.drop(columns=[‘PassengerId’, ‘Name’, ‘Ticket’, ‘Cabin’, ‘SibSp’, ‘Parch’])

#Test that it worked correctly
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

class PrepareData(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
‘Feature engineering, all custom changes are done in this class’
def __init__(self):
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, X):
print(f‘About to {len(list(X))} items -> {list(X)})
X[‘Siblings’] = X[‘SibSp’] + X[‘Parch’]
print(f‘Having {len(list(X))} items -> {list(X)})
X = X.drop(columns=[‘PassengerId’, ‘Name’, ‘Ticket’, ‘Cabin’, ‘SibSp’, ‘Parch’])
print(f‘Returning {len(list(X))} items -> {list(X)})
return X

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

num_pipeline = Pipeline(
(‘imputer’, SimpleImputer(strategy=‘median’)),
(‘std_scaler’, StandardScaler())

#Get the headers
X_train_num_cols = [‘Age’, ‘Siblings’, ‘Fare’, ‘Pclass’]
X_train_cat_cols = [‘Sex’, ‘Embarked’]
#Get numberical values and non numerical values
ext_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(
(‘num’, num_pipeline, X_train_num_cols),
(‘cat’, OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown=‘ignore’), X_train_cat_cols)

full_pipeline = Pipeline(
(‘custPrep’, PrepareData()),
(‘ext_pipe’, ext_pipeline)

X_train_prepared = full_pipeline.fit_transform(X_train)

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

neigh_clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3, n_jobs=-1)
score = cross_val_score(neigh_clf, X_train_prepared, y=y_train.values.ravel(), cv=5)
score.mean() #80% is not bad considering 60% died and 40% survived

#Death rate
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

param_grid = [
‘n_neighbors’:[3, 15, 30, 40, 50],
‘leaf_size’: [15, 20, 30, 35, 45],
‘weights’: [‘uniform’, ‘distance’]

neigh_clf = KNeighborsClassifier()
grid_search = GridSearchCV(neigh_clf, param_grid, cv=3, return_train_score=True), y_train.values.ravel())
#{‘leaf_size’: 15, ‘n_neighbors’: 30, ‘weights’: ‘uniform’}
neigh_clf = grid_search.best_estimator_, y_train.values.ravel())

X_test = pd.read_csv(‘titanicData/test.csv’)
#y_test_withId = pd.read_csv(‘titanicData/gender_submission.csv’)
#y_test = y_test_withId.drop(columns=[‘PassengerId’])

X_test_prepared = full_pipeline.transform(X_test)

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
y_test_pred = neigh_clf.predict(X_test_prepared)
#accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred) Can’t use as y_test data is fake. Need to submit to kaggle to get the right data


from sklearn import svm

svm_clf = svm.SVC(kernel= ‘poly’), y_train.values.ravel())
y_test_pred = svm_clf.predict(X_test_prepared)
#accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred)

#Lets try with linear kernel
svm_clf = svm.SVC(kernel= ‘linear’), y_train.values.ravel())
y_test_pred = svm_clf.predict(X_test_prepared)
#accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred)
#We can find as well coeficiants of feature importance

#And confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(svm_clf, X_test_prepared, y_test.values.ravel(),

#And directly calculating numbers and graphing it in a diferent way
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
#conf_mx = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred)

y_test_withId = pd.read_csv(‘titanicData/gender_submission.csv’)
y_test_withId[‘Survived’] = y_test_pred
y_test_withId.to_csv(‘submission.csv’, index=False)

NewsWave 2021.5 for Mac & iOS

I’m happy to report that NewsWave 2021.5 for Mac & iOS has been submitted to the App Store.This is a minor update for both apps, focusing on improving stability and addressing minor edge case bugs. 

This includes better handling of posts returning ‘NULL’ as the summary or edge case handling for certain websites, like ‘Engadget’, returning “'” instead of an apostrophe. 

If you have any comments or feedback do reach me @MarcMasVi on Twitter or

Hope you enjoy the update,


Inspecting mac pkg installers

Have you ever wondered what an installer package is up to? Why is the developer not just providing a dmg with an app? Well, wonder no more! Behold… ‘Suspicious Package’

Screen Shot 2021 01 18 at 10 35 00 PM

Yes, the app name is ‘Suspicious Package’ and it’s awesome. Just drop a package on it and it will tell you exactly what the package its up to:

Screen Shot 2021 01 18 at 10 37 20 PM

I wished I knew about this app sooner. Also, its totally free and you can get it from here. Kudos to the great work of the indie developer behind it. 


NewsWave for Mac 2021.01

NewsWave 2021.01 for Mac is live in the App Store. This update is all about Big Sur and Apple Silicon. If you’re on the latest OS, it will improve the app big time. 

Key changes include:

  • NewsWave is now a Universal Binary for Apple Silicon & Intel.
  • Fully compatible with macOS Big Sur: table navigation, cell selection, icon appearance…
  • Several minor improvements & bug fixes, especially around synchronization.
  • Privacy labels so that users know exactly what information is used and for what. 

Screen Shot 2021 01 17 at 5 12 08 PM

I hope you like it! As always, if you have any feedback please do get in touch. 


2020 in review

One of the things I really enjoy about the Christmas break, is how much it contributes to looking at things with perspective. It may be the copious amounts of food, the change in schedule, the time to think…

Whatever the reason, it really helps assessing how things have gone and where to go next. On this post I’ll be focusing on the former. 

Looking back at the roadmap for 2020 I published last year, there were 3 major milestones I was planning for 2020. Here’s the end of the year summary:

  • NewsWave onboarding redesign: improving the onboarding experience to make it seamless without loosing any user features. 
    • In January, the 2020.1 update completely overhauled the onboarding user experience. It effectively made it frictionless through a combination of server-side and app changes. 
  • NewsWave for Mac: releasing a fully featured Mac-native version of NewsWave. 
    • After several months of development, NewsWave for Mac was launched in May 26th. Since then, it has had multiple updates to improve the experience and further refine it based on customer feedback. 
  • Excelling: update its codebase to leverage newer technologies introduced since its launch. 
    • Shortly after the release of the macOS version of NewsWave I decided against rewriting Excelling in SwiftUI & swift yet. The app is still performing correctly and I do not feel the improvements from a rewrite justify the opportunity costs. 

In addition to the above, I started spending more time on non-apple technologies such as Python, LAMP Systems and ML. This will allow me to create better FullStack, multiOS applications and services in the future. 

I’m quite pleased with the progress in 2020 and I’m really excited about all the 2021 possibilities. I’ll be focusing on that part on an upcoming post. 

Side note, if you’re interested in Python, or you’d like to refresh your knowledge I strongly recommend this free course from dabeaz -> 

Comments/feedback? Do reach me @MarcMasVi on Twitter or


NewsWave 2020.4 for Mac

Today I submitted to the App Store what will likely be the final 2020 update, NewsWave 2020.4 for Mac. This is a minor bug fix update to improve unit testing, address bugs & improve UX. 

Key 2020.4 changes include:

– Fixed a bug that could prevent reading position from syncing correctly. 

– Improved UX in several areas, including when a feed has no posts to show. 

– Improved debugging & unit testing. 

Provided all goes well with App Review, it should become available for download in the next couple of days. 

If you have any comments or feedback do reach me @MarcMasVi on Twitter or

Hope you enjoy the update. Until next time, 


NewsWave 2020.3.1 for Mac

Today I submitted NewsWave for Mac 2020.3.1, a minor bug fix update.

I would typically wait a few more weeks to combine more enhancements & fixes but this update addresses a specially elusive and annoying bug. 

If you opened NewsWave for Mac from scratch and immediately moved it to the background (i.e. doing something else while the app fetched new content), the app would -sometimes- not scroll correctly to the latest article you had read.

As with most complex bugs, this seemed to happen at random, making it very ‘fun’ to track down. On top of the conditions above, the bug would only trigger if the user had used another device -i.e. an iPhone- and read newer content. 

In addition to the ‘fun’ bug, this release adds a couple other minor improvements for users that like the ‘Directly opens web page’ setting. Provided there’s no surprises with App Review it should be available in a day or two. 

If you have any comments or feedback do reach me @MarcMasVi on Twitter or

Hope you enjoy the update. Until next time, 
