Using NSSortDescriptor to sort Dates and nil values

Today I’ve been working on sorting tasks, as I’m using swiftUI and CoreData I use a FetchRequest with the following SortDescriptor: NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.targetDate, ascending: true) The idea being it will sort based on the task due date from smallest to the largest, meaning you’ll see the ones you should act on first at the top. …

Counting CoreData entries based on relationship entities

As I continue working on the new product management app, I was trying to get a quick CoreData count. To be precise,  I needed to get the count for how many of its relationships met a given criteria. There’s quite a few approaches but none as clean as “the filter”:  Using it for boolean arguments:     …

Identifying combinations of dates in text using regex

For the upcoming app I’m working on I need a way to easily detect dates the user may have typed at the end of a line. It was time to re-visit old faithful regex.  After lots of readings and tests I ended up settling on this beauty:       “.*[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}” Here’s what it does: The …

Struggling with a basic macOS SideBar, RowList & DetailView app in SwiftUI

Its amazing how fast you can prototype in SwiftUI, it seems like magic. At the same time, when you start to get into the details, it can be infuriating…  Let me explain… After completing the prototype last week and deciding on the key features for the app  I started implementing them. One of the very …

Time until next day starts in UTC (Swift)

Although users interact with NewsWave on their iOS and -soon- Mac, some features are provided by a server. So, how can I let users know when the server triggers certain tasks? If they are triggered at regular intervals you can simply calculate on the device how long until it will be triggered again. This reduces calls …

Creating a collage by combining an array of images (macOS & iOS)

In NewsWave, when you are in the “Add Feed” view you have the option to search the RSS repository, add a RSS URL or choose from ‘recommended feeds’.  Recommended feeds may change over time so, instead of using static images, NewsWave looks at the feeds from each recommended category and creates a collage to represent …

Inserting cells at the top of a UITableView with no scrolling

If you would like your table to be refreshed “ala Twitter”, with new data being added on top, here’s a quick an easy way to do it for iOS:  func updateTableViewAfterAdditionInNewArray(){         //Get new feeds and check if counts are different         let countOfAddedItems = oldArray.count – newArray.count    …

Resize NSImage Proportionally (Swift)

I wanted a simple function to resize an image to a desired height, while keeping proportions. Here’s what I came up with (based on Marco implementation): extension NSImage {          func resizedImageTo(sourceImage: NSImage, newSize: NSSize) -> NSImage?{         if sourceImage.isValid == false {             …