PHP maintains an enormous lead in server-side programming

When I choose the backend code for NewsWave several years ago I went with PHP after listening Marco’s recommending it due to its reliability and stability. After several years I can confirm.  Apparently a lot of other fellow developers think the same looking at the latest data from Ars Technica. If you’re planning a new project, …

Using NSSortDescriptor to sort Dates and nil values

Today I’ve been working on sorting tasks, as I’m using swiftUI and CoreData I use a FetchRequest with the following SortDescriptor: NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.targetDate, ascending: true) The idea being it will sort based on the task due date from smallest to the largest, meaning you’ll see the ones you should act on first at the top. …

Multiple Word, Random Order Search – CoreData & SwiftUI

Today I worked on the search functionality for the upcoming Product Management app. Given that this app will contain lots of long notes, having good search is essential. In most cases & for most apps, a simple one to one comparison will do the job great -like in the above image-. Here’s how a predicate implementation …

Counting CoreData entries based on relationship entities

As I continue working on the new product management app, I was trying to get a quick CoreData count. To be precise,  I needed to get the count for how many of its relationships met a given criteria. There’s quite a few approaches but none as clean as “the filter”:  Using it for boolean arguments:     …

Developing on the cutting edge

If you’re working on a new app using the latest Xcode & macOS Monterey betas be aware of a bug that leads to SceneStorage failures appearing on the console: Failed to restore SceneStorage with key selectedTaskId. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105[…]Failed to restore SceneStorage with key sidebarSelection. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105Binary[2571:23261] Checked for defaults IMKUseDistributedObjects. result is 0Binary[2571:23261] IMK will …

Rich Barton: Expedia & Zillow

“How I built this” is a podcast where successful entrepreneurs are interviewed in a very candid way. The ups and downs, the complexities, the long nights…  Today I listened to Rich Barton, the creator of Expedia, Zillow and GlassDoor. Both the show, and this specific episode are great: On a related note, here’s some of …

Identifying combinations of dates in text using regex

For the upcoming app I’m working on I need a way to easily detect dates the user may have typed at the end of a line. It was time to re-visit old faithful regex.  After lots of readings and tests I ended up settling on this beauty:       “.*[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}” Here’s what it does: The …