Preventing edits in TextFields unless cell is selected

For the ToDo section in MarsManaged, the goal is for the user to see and quickly manage their upcoming tasks.  The user should be able to easily tweak bookmarked tasks, set target dates, complete or delete them. Now, given that each cell is composed of multiple editable TextFields, it’s important to prevent unintended editing on …

NewsWave for Mac 2022.0 (macOS Monterey compatibility update)

Today was Keynote day! And what a day, the new MacBook Pro’s look amazing and we have release dates for macOS Monterey, just a couple days out! With that in mind I’ve submitted a compatibility update for NewsWave for Mac, version 2022.0. No fancy new features today, this update focuses on compatibility and addresses a couple …

PHP maintains an enormous lead in server-side programming

When I choose the backend code for NewsWave several years ago I went with PHP after listening Marco’s recommending it due to its reliability and stability. After several years I can confirm.  Apparently a lot of other fellow developers think the same looking at the latest data from Ars Technica. If you’re planning a new project, …

Using NSSortDescriptor to sort Dates and nil values

Today I’ve been working on sorting tasks, as I’m using swiftUI and CoreData I use a FetchRequest with the following SortDescriptor: NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.targetDate, ascending: true) The idea being it will sort based on the task due date from smallest to the largest, meaning you’ll see the ones you should act on first at the top. …

Multiple Word, Random Order Search – CoreData & SwiftUI

Today I worked on the search functionality for the upcoming Product Management app. Given that this app will contain lots of long notes, having good search is essential. In most cases & for most apps, a simple one to one comparison will do the job great -like in the above image-. Here’s how a predicate implementation …

Counting CoreData entries based on relationship entities

As I continue working on the new product management app, I was trying to get a quick CoreData count. To be precise,  I needed to get the count for how many of its relationships met a given criteria. There’s quite a few approaches but none as clean as “the filter”:  Using it for boolean arguments:     …

Developing on the cutting edge

If you’re working on a new app using the latest Xcode & macOS Monterey betas be aware of a bug that leads to SceneStorage failures appearing on the console: Failed to restore SceneStorage with key selectedTaskId. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105[…]Failed to restore SceneStorage with key sidebarSelection. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105Binary[2571:23261] Checked for defaults IMKUseDistributedObjects. result is 0Binary[2571:23261] IMK will …