TextField Recommendations / Autocomplete – SwiftUI macOS and iOS

Another weekend, another set of improvements for MarsManaged. This time, I focused on adding an autocompletion feature for Tags. Let me provide some context first… In MarsManaged, cards may be linked to one or multiple tags. In the below example, the “Welcome to MarsManaged!” card is linked to the tag “Samples” (yellow arrow).  To link one …

Expanding TO-DO views for MarsManaged

This weekend I continued working on the TO-DO area, specifically on bringing the context-aware functionality of Cards to “Target Date” & “Last Modified” views.  As most of the code complexities were sorted last weekend, this one I did quite a bit of progress. Here’s the latest: “Sort by Target Date” view:   “Sort by Last …

Working on all new TO-DO views for MarsManaged

This weekend I focused on the TO-DOS view of MarsManaged. Instead of a list, as I originally developed it, working on having multiple context-aware options. In the example below showing the ’Sort by Card’ one, seems to me this makes this view a lot more useful than a list?  In light mode: And dark mode: …

Making an editable Label with SwiftUI

Let’s say you’re showing the user a list of sidebar selectable categories. These categories appear on the sidebar as SwiftUI Labels and, depending on the one selected, the app will show one view or another. So far, so good… But what if the user would like to rename one of the categories? Ideally Label would have …

Iterating on MarsManaged Palette & Icon – First Round

With MarsManaged edging closer to feature-complete, today I took some time to start iterating over color palette & icon concepts.  First, lets talk about the palette: The premise of the app is that you’ll be as productive as future martian generations will be. With that in mind, when it comes to the color palette of …

Looking back at 3 years of NewsWave

With its retirement approaching, here’s some trivia about NewsWave:  ONBOARDING  – 70% of users that downloaded the app ended up creating an account. That was a huge increase from the 20% I was seeing initially. Below the new onboarding flow that premiered with 2020.1 -old icon included-. FEEDS – NewsWave continuously monitored 4,382 feeds for updates.   …