Using NSSortDescriptor to sort Dates and nil values

Today I’ve been working on sorting tasks, as I’m using swiftUI and CoreData I use a FetchRequest with the following SortDescriptor: NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Task.targetDate, ascending: true) The idea being it will sort based on the task due date from smallest to the largest, meaning you’ll see the ones you should act on first at the top. …

Multiple Word, Random Order Search – CoreData & SwiftUI

Today I worked on the search functionality for the upcoming Product Management app. Given that this app will contain lots of long notes, having good search is essential. In most cases & for most apps, a simple one to one comparison will do the job great -like in the above image-. Here’s how a predicate implementation …

Counting CoreData entries based on relationship entities

As I continue working on the new product management app, I was trying to get a quick CoreData count. To be precise,  I needed to get the count for how many of its relationships met a given criteria. There’s quite a few approaches but none as clean as “the filter”:  Using it for boolean arguments:     …

Developing on the cutting edge

If you’re working on a new app using the latest Xcode & macOS Monterey betas be aware of a bug that leads to SceneStorage failures appearing on the console: Failed to restore SceneStorage with key selectedTaskId. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105[…]Failed to restore SceneStorage with key sidebarSelection. at SwiftUI/SceneStorage.swift:105Binary[2571:23261] Checked for defaults IMKUseDistributedObjects. result is 0Binary[2571:23261] IMK will …

Identifying combinations of dates in text using regex

For the upcoming app I’m working on I need a way to easily detect dates the user may have typed at the end of a line. It was time to re-visit old faithful regex.  After lots of readings and tests I ended up settling on this beauty:       “.*[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}” Here’s what it does: The …

Struggling with a basic macOS SideBar, RowList & DetailView app in SwiftUI

Its amazing how fast you can prototype in SwiftUI, it seems like magic. At the same time, when you start to get into the details, it can be infuriating…  Let me explain… After completing the prototype last week and deciding on the key features for the app  I started implementing them. One of the very …

What differentiates good from great Project & Product Managers?

Although this blog is entirely focused on my developer-side, this is a part-time (nights and weekends) enterprise. My ‘main’ job is not in development, it has quite a bit to do with product management. **I promise you this is going somewhere** Over many years, in many roles, the one thing that I’ve seen consistently differentiate …

ML Exploration: Titanic Dataset

In summer 2019 I blogged about how I was taking a couple months to work on Machine Learning. Since then I’ve mostly focused on software for the Mac and server-side development. My ML hands-on knowledge was getting a bit, rusty… Plus, things have evolved a bit: new technologies, new approaches, new concepts… Perfect timing as …

NewsWave 2021.5 for Mac & iOS

I’m happy to report that NewsWave 2021.5 for Mac & iOS has been submitted to the App Store.This is a minor update for both apps, focusing on improving stability and addressing minor edge case bugs.  This includes better handling of posts returning ‘NULL’ as the summary or edge case handling for certain websites, like ‘Engadget’, returning …