WWDC 2015

Interesting keynote, I’m really looking forward to the incremental iOS9 and OSX11 upgrades. Not sure about the music service thought… It’s like if the keynote was split in two. First part was great, second… Meh…

Not sure if it was the uninspiring presentation, the fact that every iTunes release has been slightly worst for me, or the Ping déjà vu, but I’m not blown away by the new Apple Music service. Hopefully I’ll be wrong thought, will see. 

Marco an the new MacBook

In this post Marco explains his first impressions on the new MacBook and why he thinks is not a great machine. Worth a read

Apple’s priorities have changed. Rather than make really great products that are mostly thin, they now make really thin products that are mostly great.

Silent cheaper wind turbines


Bladeless turbines, this seems like a amazing idea. Almost maintenance free, due to the lack of gears or other moving parts, and silent. And as a bonus, 50% cheaper!

Imagine the potential of combining this turbine with the tesla powerwall. Future looks inspiring!

Bladeless turbines source.

Tesla powerwall source.

Marco on redesigning Overcast for Apple Watch

“Because WatchKit 1.0 is so limited and performance is so inconsistent, it’s hard to make Watch apps that are truly useful compared to just taking out your iPhone and using the full app. I believe this will always be the case to some degree, even after we get a native SDK.”

Great post from Marco on Overcast for Apple Watch

Personally I’m going to wait until the full SDK is out. I don’t think my current apps would be a great fit for an Apple Watch companion app. 

Documenting your software

Documenting what you have done is critical to understanding it in the future. What is clear today may not be clear in a month and, most certainly, not in a year. 

This may apply to other areas but is especially true in software development. However, at least for me this is one of the most boring tasks to do. Specially true if you’re not passionate about the app you’re developing. 

Oh well, thanks God I have GoT tonight.