Level Up Your Speaking Skills When No One’s Watching – PowerVoice™

I’ve always been fascinated by great communicators: Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Winston Churchill… Great leaders tend to be masters at it – instilling a sense of purpose, distilling complex topics into simple terms, rallying individuals to achieve the impossible. And, although some individuals have innate traits, the reality is that great communicators aren’t born; they’re …

Leveraging Bing Chat as a development tool

Even though in their infancy, ChatGPT, Copilot & OPT are already impressive tools. The impact on how we work will be significant and, although expertise will still be critical, people who leverage AI will have an edge over people who don’t. I started increasingly using Bing Chat (which uses GPT-4 behind the scenes) to parse …

ML Exploration: Titanic Dataset

In summer 2019 I blogged about how I was taking a couple months to work on Machine Learning. Since then I’ve mostly focused on software for the Mac and server-side development. My ML hands-on knowledge was getting a bit, rusty… Plus, things have evolved a bit: new technologies, new approaches, new concepts… Perfect timing as …

Unleashing the server developer in you

Back in 2016, when the idea that would become NewsWave was humming in my head, I was sipping my morning coffee while listening to an episode of Under the Radar.  In that episode, Marco Arment and David Smith were discussing how they used servers to manage Overcast and Feed Wrangler. I was already considering using servers but after that I …

Working on new NLP projects

After shipping NewsWave for Mac, this last few weeks I’ve been playing around with two new NLP (natural language processing) projects. Each quite different from the other: The first is targeted at the corporate world, its focus is in identifying new trends and winning themes based on RFP’s (requests for pricing) submitted by clients. This …