Create Stations & Favorite Songs from the Menu Bar with Apple Music Controller

It’s time! After polishing rough edges and adding the ability to auto-update, Apple Music Controller is available for download for free.  Apple Music Controller is a lightweight & distraction-free way to interact with Apple Music from the Menu Bar. Features: ⚡ Lightning-Fast Controls Create stations instantly from the menu bar Add songs to your favorites …

Apple Music Controller – Create Stations & Favorite Songs from the Menu Bar

It’s hard for me to even imagine coding without music. In fact, for years I had my carefully curated iTunes library with a playlist for every occasion.  Yep, back when music was bought as CDs and ripped.  I still have my library, of course,  but I’ve been using Apple Music as my daily driver for …

Restoring macOS window after close – SwiftUI WindowsGroup

Typical behavior for macOS apps is that the apps will preserve their size and position when closed (Command + W) or quit (Command + Q) by the user.    When using SwiftUI & WindowsGroup that’s not the case though: although it works as designed when quitting, it forgets position and size when closing the window …

Creating a macOS “About” screen the SwiftUI way

If you’re creating a macOS app, the About screen is that place where you get to “sign” your work. It is also the place where most developers will link to their personal web, thank contributors, etc.  For me, it’s one of the areas I work on last… When I get to it, it always feels great.  …

Badges? Gray Badges? Color Badges!

As I was working on cell badges indicating the number of to-dos pending for a given card it hit me…   The approach I was taking was good, it gave relevant and timely information… But could be much better: what if the flag changes color when you have a to-do overdue, due today, tomorrow or soon?   This …

TextField Recommendations / Autocomplete – SwiftUI macOS and iOS

Another weekend, another set of improvements for MarsManaged. This time, I focused on adding an autocompletion feature for Tags. Let me provide some context first… In MarsManaged, cards may be linked to one or multiple tags. In the below example, the “Welcome to MarsManaged!” card is linked to the tag “Samples” (yellow arrow).  To link one …