That’s one of the most fun and easiest animations you can do. First, let’s make sure we know what constraint to change: you’ll have to make sure you either have the constraint as an @IBOutlet or -if you’ve added in code- make sure you add an identifier to it. Then you’ll trigger a constant change …
Author Archives: mmv
Opening links in Safari / Embedded Safari – iOS
In iOS you can either do it with a push: let safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: URL(string: “”)!, configuration: .init()) present(safariVC, animated: true, completion: nil) or directly in the Safari app:“”)!, options: [:]) { (_) in } Very practical, Marc
Reloading/inserting Dynamic Height cells and keeping Scroll position
For an upcoming app I had to insert Dynamic Height cells while keeping the tableView offset -scrolling position- constant. This would typically be a trivial issue, but given that when using Dynamic Height cells nor the contentSize nor the offset can be trusted it’s a bit more tricky than it seems… What I was trying …
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Measuring function execution time
This is a very quick one. For an app I’m working on I wanted to measure how long it took a given function to complete. I typically don’t do this, as most functions are very fast, but this one involved a server fetch and some background processing. Anyhow, I’m getting distracted, here it is -easy …
Dealing with UIGraphics ImageContext ‘Memory Leaks’
Here’s the code to change the image size of an image in iOS so that then it can be saved with smaller footprint: let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height) // Actually do the resizing to the rect using the ImageContext stuff UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, 1.0) image.draw(in: rect) …
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Pre-Scrolling a Table to a specific cell at load
Although that’s something that appears fairly easy, the truth -for me at least-, is that scrolling a UITableView to a specific cell every time you load it may prove tricky. In the app I’m working on I implement it in the following way: every time a view appeared I assess if the top visible row …
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Find the right value in an Array, or in an Array of Dictionaries
From time to time I discover a new way of coding something that significantly improves readability & minimizes how much I need to code. Here’s one of such latest discoveries. Typically to find a value in an array (or in an array of dictionaries) with a specific condition I would do a for loop with …
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Inserting cells at the top of a UITableView with no scrolling
If you would like your table to be refreshed “ala Twitter”, with new data being added on top, here’s a quick an easy way to do it for iOS: func updateTableViewAfterAdditionInNewArray(){ //Get new feeds and check if counts are different let countOfAddedItems = oldArray.count – newArray.count …
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Improve your ⌘ V efficiency
Want to improve your quality of life in 5 seconds? 1. Go to System Preferences 2. Keyboard 3. Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts 4. Click on add -> All Applications –> add “Paste and Match Style” for keyboard shortcut ⌘V Thank you Ally Marc
Multi Thread access to shared Variables – Swift 4 Concurrency
Working with background threads really helps improve the app responsiveness & the overall user experience. But, and it’s a big but, you have to be aware of multithread access conflicts. If you access/modify the same variable from multiple threads you’re prone to non-reproducible -seemingly random- crashes. How to Detect Conflicts? To help you find where …
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