Making Sense Podcast #201 Yuval Noah Harari

One of the podcasts I typically follow is “Making Sense” by Sam Harris. I found his latest episode, where he had a discussion with Yuval Noah Harari especially insightful.  “[…] They discuss the failures of global leadership, the widespread distrust of institutions, the benefits of nationalism and its current unraveling in the U.S., politics as …

Create a NSButton in code (swift)

Some time ago I shared a simple way to create custom UIButtons in code. As I’m starting to polish NewsWave for Mac, I wanted the same ability to easily create custom buttons. So, I ported the function to macOS, feel free to leverage:       func createNewNSButton(title: String, textSizeDelta: CGFloat?, textColor: NSColor?,  backgroundColor: NSColor?, …

Creating a collage by combining an array of images (macOS & iOS)

In NewsWave, when you are in the “Add Feed” view you have the option to search the RSS repository, add a RSS URL or choose from ‘recommended feeds’.  Recommended feeds may change over time so, instead of using static images, NewsWave looks at the feeds from each recommended category and creates a collage to represent …

Why I will not ship a Catalyst port of NewsWave

When Catalyst was announced at WWDC I was very excited about the possibilities that it created for NewsWave. Even though NewsWave launched as an iOS-only app, bringing it to the Mac has always been a priority. A couple of months ago I started woking on porting it. As it turns out, and as you probably …

NewsWave iOS13 Feature Update – 2019.8

About a week ago I released NewsWave 2019.8, the iOS13 feature update. The objectives were to simplify the onboarding experience, add Dark Mode support and strengthen the app. Here’s a summary of what has changed and the impact it has had so far: a) Simplifying & clarifying the onboarding experience to avoid the poor conversion rate.  …