Creating a Digital Gardener | Home Automation – Raspberry Pi 4

Last December my wife and I flew to Europe to spend a couple of weeks with our overseas family. Although we live in a very safe neighborhood, for peace of mind, we wanted a way to check on our house while we were away. There’s a couple of good commercial options, but they are a …

Designing the new NewsWave App Icon

One of the things I like about working on on-the-side projects is that I touch all aspects of them, this allows me to learn and grow many different skills. It’s so rewarding to learn about app development, server-side development, marketing, communication, design…  And it’s the latter one I wanted to touch on for this post, …

Cliffski on Social Media

I have followed Cliffski, founder and solo developer at Positech Games, for many years. He’s quite opinionated and his last post is no exception: “ […] In 2020, the internet is an absolute cesspit, bringing out the absolute worst in human behavior. Its almost impossible to enjoy surfing the web without being sucked into social media. …

Time until next day starts in UTC (Swift)

Although users interact with NewsWave on their iOS and -soon- Mac, some features are provided by a server. So, how can I let users know when the server triggers certain tasks? If they are triggered at regular intervals you can simply calculate on the device how long until it will be triggered again. This reduces calls …

Making Sense Podcast #201 Yuval Noah Harari

One of the podcasts I typically follow is “Making Sense” by Sam Harris. I found his latest episode, where he had a discussion with Yuval Noah Harari especially insightful.  “[…] They discuss the failures of global leadership, the widespread distrust of institutions, the benefits of nationalism and its current unraveling in the U.S., politics as …

Create a NSButton in code (swift)

Some time ago I shared a simple way to create custom UIButtons in code. As I’m starting to polish NewsWave for Mac, I wanted the same ability to easily create custom buttons. So, I ported the function to macOS, feel free to leverage:       func createNewNSButton(title: String, textSizeDelta: CGFloat?, textColor: NSColor?,  backgroundColor: NSColor?, …